Gay Marriage
I've read a lot of articles in a local newspaper to know that the newspaper did well to be neutral about gay and lesbian. But it seems that the readers never read all those articles. ALL of the commentaries about gay and lesbian marriage are negative. They either downright not approving it or doesn't care at all. Some of the commentaries made me really disappointed. It said something like this, "Semua agama menganggap homoseksualitas sebagai dosa. Apa-apaan mereka kok malah menuntut pernikahan secara sah?" Then there's one who commented like this, "Homoseksualitas itu dosa dan cuma menularkan AIDS saja."
It seems to me that they commented like that either because their lacks of brains or heart. For one point, the HIV/AIDS does NOT just spread among gays. For your information, silly pretty lady, HIV/AIDS spreads also spreads among heterosexuals as well. Mostly it spreads among those using drugs and the prostitutes. But if you wanna know my opinion, the HIV/AIDS spreads a lot among gays because of YOU. IF all people are like you, gay marriage will never be legal. And if it never be legal, chances are they will never be married. And single people are free to sleep with anybody. The 'anobody' could be people infected with HIV/AIDS. And, BOOM! Welcome to the ODHA world. How about drugs? It's the same. Most parents disown their children when they come out as gays. Most bosses fire their employees when they know their employees are gays. Most classmates ignore or even make fun of their gay friend. With stresses like that, do you think it's strange that more gays choose to use drugs? Of course, not all gays are angels, but so are straight people. We're just human, just like you.
About religions disapprovement of gays, it's true. But religions are something made by humans, just like philosophy. If religions are DIRECTLY from God, then why there are MANY religions? Not to say that all of them differ significantly from one another. If religions are made by Gods, there should be only ONE religion, or at least a few similar religions. But no, all religions differ so much from each other. Even Catholic and Christian which have the same bible are so different in the teaching. Who am I kidding? Even in the same religion, different priest could teach differently. How many centuries have passed? The teaching has been taught and taught and taught by many different people. I can hardly believe that the teaching is original to the details anymore. Now, because I'm Catholic, I'll talk about the Bible. They say the Bible condemn gays. Because of Sodom and Gomorah. But their sins are much more than just being gays. It's their way of treating people. There's ONE passage where St. Paul condemned homosexuality, but the passage contains the words LUST, DOESN'T ACCEPT GOD, FULL OF ENVY, MURDER, FIGHT, MALICIOUS, FOUL MOUTH, GOD-HATER, BIG-HEADED, UNFAITHFUL TO THEIR SPOUSES, etc, etc. But from what I see, it is NOT true. Homosexuality is not just about sex. It's about love too. By the way, even if it's just all about sex, so are many heterosexual marriages in the modern days. And who says gays don't accept God? Many gays are so religious that they tried to deny who they are just to prove that they are not sinners. Some succeed, some finally come to their senses and realize that they can't live denying who they are. But they still are faithful. I accept God, but the God I accept is a loving, fair, and forgiving God, not the God who likes to kill whoever dare not to listen to him. Jesus himself forgive those who killed him, will he punish gays from marrying their true love? I don't think so. By the way, do you know that many heterosexuals like to condemn God and just downright atheis? About full of envy, yes, we 'envy' heterosexual couples for having the right to marry legally. But if that's so, so did those black people who 'envied' the white people for having many better rights several centuries ago. God-hater! Devinitely not. If I hate God I would not pray or thanking Him, while I do pray everyday and I thank Him for creating me as a gay. Big-headed. Hahaha. Yeah, that's who I am. STUPID. Big-headed is a person's character. It depends on the person. Just count for yourself how many heterosexual people who are big-headed out there!!!! Unfaithful to their spouses. Heh. Lets see back to our topic. Gay marriage. If they are unfaithful, for what do they strive so hard to have a legal marriage???? Don't believe me? Read any articles about gay marriage. Those who are lucky enough to finally get married legally have been couples for many years. 8, 21, 5, 4, 23 years. Even there's a couple who've been together for 50 years. Unfaithful, you say? Why don't you see the heterosexual Britney Spears who got married for only A DAY before filling a divorce??? Really, the Bible needs revision, coz some of it are only human's thought, just philosophy, and is now out-dated. Don't believe me? Okay, now lets kill ALL people who commit adultery. What? Jesus forgave Mary Magdalena? Huh-uh, so why won't you forgive gays???
For the writer of 'Apa-apaan mereka kok malah menuntut pernikahan sah'. You are clearly a person who never falls in love. Have you ever fall in love? How would you feel if you can't marry the one you love? Interracial marriage has been banned in America years ago. People think it made no sense, and now it is legal. Interreligion marriage has been banned in Indonesia until now, but more and more people marry people with different religion coz they can do it religiously or in other country. Well, my family's never so fond of insurance or wills or anything with many paperworks. If someday I want to marry a woman, maybe I'll be okay with just a commitment ceremony. But in developed countries, everything has paperworks. Couples with no legal marriage can't do many things for their loved ones. Really, it's not fair at all. People who marry just for money, or just for position, or simply just for sex can get married legally as long as they're heterosexuals, but people who really love each other can't get married simply because they are homosexuals. Don't you even have a heart?
Marriage doesn't come from the court, doesn't come from a wedding, doesn't come from signed papers, doesn't come from blessing of a church. Marriage only comes from the heart of two people who really love each other and are willing to commit themselves to each other and each other only, till their dying day. Gays strive for legal marriage only for the previllege of filling paperworks not as 'single' while they do have a spouse.
Homosexuality never hurts anybody, why people are so scared of it? Make children's moral down? Damn, so it's better to expose them to hatred and prejudice? They first hate gays, then they hate those who don't have the same religion as they are and then they hate those who have different race. Pooh. What makes you think a loving couple can't raise good children while a child-abusing couple could? Why can't gay couples adopting a baby while there're so many heterosexuals people trying to abort their children? It's just so absurd!
One more point for me to make: homosexual people who are homosexual from the day they were born can't be changed, so it's a waste to bring them to phsychologist or something like that. They can pretend to be 'healed' by forcing themselves to marry people with different gender, or they can just tell themselves times and times again that they are now 'normal', but it doesn't change the fact that they will be attracted to people with the same sex forever. It's hard to prove, but it's true because, well, I went trough it. I can't explain sexual attraction. If you know why you're attracted to opposite gender, please let me know. Maybe I'll find an answer to my sexual attraction as well.
Well, I just try to explain to you why gay marriage shouldn't be banned. Imagine if someone you love so much - like your siblings or your children - come out someday and they can't marry the one they love. Imagine if those you love must face the discrimination and prejudice for being who they are. And if you still can't find it in your heart to at least try to understand us, face it, you are simply homophobic (I strongly suggest that you contact your phsychologist before it's too late).
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